Don't call me Ms.

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Rant of the day

Who decided it was chic for pregnant women to wear clothing that shows their bellies? Now, I'll grant I'm probably a bit of a prude; I'm not all that fond of any women wearing midrif-bearing clothes. I don't care how toned and "sexy" your stomach is, I don't really want to see it. And there are way too many people without six-packs running around in shirts that are too small. But there is something particularly disturbing about this trend among pregnant women. Don't give me that miracle-of-life, wonder-of-childbirth crap either. There is nothing wonderful or miraculous about stretch marks and herniated navels - keep them to yourself!

I blame Friends and Jennifer Aniston's tiny tank-tops...she was responsible for that horrendous shag haircut in the mid-Nineties too.


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