Don't call me Ms.

Friday, June 02, 2006

Two Chicago Complaints

I love Chicago, I've wanted to live here my whole life and I don't plan on leaving any time soon. (Unless I get a job that requires it, that is.) But occasionally, there are stupid little things that just irk me. Here are two.

1. I just saw a WGN baseball commercial. "From the world champs on the south side to the world renown on the north side...." Give it up. The Cubs are a perennially crappy team. But that doesn't matter, because people still love them for some inexplicable reason. Yes, going to Wrigley is an experience. It's fun - I even go from time to time. But if you're watching on tv, wouldn't you rather be watching good baseball? Granted, the White Sox have been hit-or-miss in that area lately, but the odds of catching a good game are significantly higher watching the South Siders.

2. When I finally got my IL driver's license the end of March I also registered to vote here. (Motor Voter, it may be a stupid law, but it's the law, so I'll take advantage of it.) I got a receipt with a phone number to call if I didn't receive my new voter registration card within 30 days. Well, 60 days later I called - and I'm not even in the system yet! My initial thought was, "go figure, my republican registration got 'lost' in Chicago." But Illinois has open primaries, so you don't even register with a party affiliation. It's just the general incompetence (or laziness) of the IDOT employees. Apparently they don't send the voter registration forms in regularly, so I'm supposed to check back in 2 weeks. I guess it's a good thing I started in March if I want to be able to vote by November.

Fortunately the 57th Street Art Fair is this weekend, so I'll be able to bask in some warm I-love-my-neighborhood feelings. And all will be right in the world again - well, at least in my little world.


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