Don't call me Ms.

Friday, September 08, 2006

Quip of the Night

I was sitting in the living room with my mom and her friend when I came across a version of this story in the local publication that passes for a newspaper. The following exchange then occurred:

Me: Do you remember hearing about that woman in St. Charles County that beat the other woman with the dead chihuahua? She was found guilty today.
Mom: Found guilty of what?
Mom's Friend: Assault with a dead weapon.

Much laughter ensued. Yes, that probably means that we're all just a little bit sick, but she didn't miss a beat. It was a perfectly executed one-liner, and really, isn't that what friends are for?


  • I can't believe someone actually sold her another chihuahua. There goes another puppy into foster care...

    Oh, and nice timing by your mom's friend :)

    By Blogger Law Fairy, at 8:39 AM, September 08, 2006  

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