Don't call me Ms.

Friday, October 07, 2005

short days

The other night the temperature dropped roughly 30 degrees. I'm not sad about that. I hate 85 degree weather in July and August; I really hate it in October. It should be 60 degrees out because then I get to start wearing my sweaters! However, today is so gray and dreary. I'm looking out my rain-speckled window at yellow leaves blowing off the trees across the street. It's 4:00 in the afternoon and it will be dark shortly. I challenge anyone to not find that at least a little depressing.

On the bright side, October also means baseball playoffs, and this year the two teams I care about are both in. Card-Sox series baby!!! (White, not Red) And the White Sox just went up 2-0 on Boston in the top of the 3rd, so I must get back to the game.


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