Don't call me Ms.

Friday, June 09, 2006

Nesper Joke of the Day

There is an outdoor sign company in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, called Nesper, and they have an animated sign along I-380. Every time my brother's family or I drive by it on our way Home (that's capital-H Home, Mom and Dad's house) for a weekend or holiday, we take note of the joke of the day. Somehow a little tradition got started where, whenever I drive by it, I call my younger sister to share the Nesper joke of the day. So imagine my surprise when tonight, just as the White Sox began to fall apart and I muted the tv so I didn't have to listen to Hawk and DJ blather on, my phone rang. My sister was on her way Home from a visit to my brother's, and she was calling me with a joke of the day! So here it is...

How much did the pirate's earrings cost?
They were a buccaneer!

Yep, they are all that amusing.


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