Don't call me Ms.

Friday, October 27, 2006

Start Brainwashing Early

Don't wait for your child to start public school (with a unionized teacher) - start the indoctrination process early. Order your copy of "Why Mommy is a Democrat" today!

Seriously?! Granted, at least 80% of the reason I'm conservative is because that was how I was raised, but this is just a bit much. After all, at some point I was confronted with opposing viewpoints and had to make choices based on something other than "mommy said so." I learned about politics by watching the news with my parents, discussing current events at the dinner table, and having to learn how to respond to wild-eyed raving lunatics in college. [Aside: Does anyone else find it odd that the Socialists sold their weekly newspaper on the Pentacrest? Granted, they didn't sell many, so I guess they hadn't totally figured out that whole "market" thing.] Are inane platitudes directed at four-year-olds really what political discourse in this country needs most?

I notice "Democrats want Mommy to be able to kill your little brothers and sisters if they come at an inconvenient time" wasn't included in the sample pages.


  • This makes me laugh. The notion that young children are concerned about political parties is totally silly. I can see raising your kid according a certain political philosophy (as all parents should have the right to do), but most kids under 5 would have trouble PRONOUNCING "democrat."

    Of course, this could just be a symptom of my disdain for the "two"-party system that's more about money and rhetoric than actual ideals nowadays...

    By Blogger Law Fairy, at 2:36 PM, October 30, 2006  

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