Don't call me Ms.

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

One week later

Well, it's been a week since the Democrats' midterm election rout. My stomach has almost stopped churning enough to eat a regular meal again. I'm now also thoroughly embarrassed to have grown up in the state that elected the dumbest governor anywhere in the nation (see the section subtitled "Teaching career"). Of course, he's following in the footsteps of the most deluded governor in the nation.

Anyway, I've heard lots of carping from numerous sources about the way Republicans ran campaigns, both congressional and at state-level. So I guess this rumor isn't really much of a surprise. I'll just wait to see what actually happens, though, as I suspect there will be endless shuffling and maneuvering in the coming months. Time to start checking in with the Iowa and New Hampshire newspapers more regularly. Only 424 days to caucuses!


  • Oh come on... I'm not saying your Governor is dumber than my Governor but my Governor is way way more embarrassing and inspires far to many horrible "I'll be back" jokes.

    By Blogger Unknown, at 9:11 PM, November 15, 2006  

  • yeah, margaret, but he's so much fun! I mean, we may not have the best governor, but he is the most entertaining. Which seems really fitting for this state ;)

    By Blogger Beff, at 11:47 AM, November 16, 2006  

  • WHOA, okay, I just got totally weirded out. Apparently you can sign in with blogger *or* gmail. Creepy.

    By Blogger Beff, at 11:48 AM, November 16, 2006  

  • yes, if you've downloaded the new google blogger beta - I haven't noticed much difference yet, but it's supposed to let you do more stuff

    By Blogger lakhawk, at 12:30 PM, November 16, 2006  

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