Crazy days
After barely dipping below freezing for the first time in a week, we are now experiencing thunderstorms here in Chicago. For those of you not familiar with Midwest weather patterns, Thunderstorms are summer weather. You'll get your first few in April, and they'll even make late-season appearances in October, but they are in their glorious, raging prime in July and August. Now don't get me wrong, I love a good thunderstorm, but there is just something too disturbing about hearing thunder and seeing lightning in January. What's going on? And don't say global warming!
It rained like CRAZY here this weekend and my power went out yesterday (the one work day I have off!). Apparently there's been some flooding in the west (and you all think Chicago's a dry climate! ;))
Law Fairy, at 2:34 PM, January 03, 2006
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