Don't call me Ms.

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Mmmmm, cake

My sister and I made this cake with my nieces (ages 9 and 4) on Mother's Day weekend. Yes, that is another sheet cake underneath the duck cake - the girls insisted he needed a pond to swim on. He was quite tasty, if slightly deformed. At various points during this project, the girls got into little spats, during one of which the younger said to the older, "you're the meanest big sister ever." My sister assured her that couldn't possibly be true, as I was in fact the meanest big sister ever. I was pleased that she refused to believe it (because I am "one of the best aunt [sic] ever" - I have the picture they drew me that says so to prove it). My sister was able to win her over, though, by explaining that being an aunt is different than being a sister and bringing Uncle John (my younger brother) in to back her up. They didn't complain so much when I was doing their laundry and making them Mac-n-Cheese or PB&J with the crusts cut off.


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