Don't call me Ms.

Friday, October 27, 2006

Start Brainwashing Early

Don't wait for your child to start public school (with a unionized teacher) - start the indoctrination process early. Order your copy of "Why Mommy is a Democrat" today!

Seriously?! Granted, at least 80% of the reason I'm conservative is because that was how I was raised, but this is just a bit much. After all, at some point I was confronted with opposing viewpoints and had to make choices based on something other than "mommy said so." I learned about politics by watching the news with my parents, discussing current events at the dinner table, and having to learn how to respond to wild-eyed raving lunatics in college. [Aside: Does anyone else find it odd that the Socialists sold their weekly newspaper on the Pentacrest? Granted, they didn't sell many, so I guess they hadn't totally figured out that whole "market" thing.] Are inane platitudes directed at four-year-olds really what political discourse in this country needs most?

I notice "Democrats want Mommy to be able to kill your little brothers and sisters if they come at an inconvenient time" wasn't included in the sample pages.

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Web fun!

Here is today's distracting, time-wasting site of choice:

How Many of Me

According to the database, there is 1 of me. I know this to be false, though, as Google and some woman who e-mailed me after reading "my" fantastic article in Feminista! have led me to at least one, but more likely two, more of me, one of whom even has the same middle initial.

Oh, come on, like you've never Googled yourself?! And just to be perfectly clear to anyone who knows the real me and finds the article alluded to above, I think pretty much the opposite of what that other not-lakhawk wrote. In fact, I'm one of those traitor-women she lambasted. Oh, and kudos to loojie, for bringing this fun diversion to my attention.

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Halloween Jokes (safe for the kids)

What is a skeleton's favorite instrument?
The Trombone

Where did the vampire open his savings account?
At the Blood Bank

What is a ghost's favorite dessert?

Monday, October 02, 2006

Obligatory Grey's post

Lawfairy and Odderie have already shared their thoughts on one of the best television shows in recent memory, Grey's Anatomy. Yes, Meredith and Derek have an unhealthy relationship. Yes, it is frustrating to watch them make messes of their lives. Yes, they should not be role models of any kind (at least in the relationship arena). But who doesn't identify with at least some small aspect of this relationship and its consequences? And what does it say about just how awesomely fantastic the supporting cast and the writing on this show are that, despite the aggravation of the Der-Mer storyline, we all still love it so much? I could easily watch last week's episode, "I Am a Tree," three more times before this Thursday and not grow tired of it. And I just might. Seriously.