Don't call me Ms.

Friday, September 29, 2006

My ten secrets

The Law Fairy tagged me, but there's a reason they're called secrets. Nice try. I wonder what my internet-cosmos punishment will be for breaking this chain?

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Apparently I'm supposed to care

...that Marshall Field's is now officially Macy's. I don't. Maybe it's because I've only lived in Chicago for four years. Maybe it's because I'm cheap and prefer outlet malls and H&M to the big department stores on State Street. Maybe it's because there are bigger issues in my life right now than the name of a store. Things change, whether we like it or not. Complain for a little while (and "a little while" was over several months ago, when it was first announced), then get over it. Besides, I hear the put on a pretty awesome parade.

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Terri Schiavo, redux?

It seems as though some are ready to turn this Iowa woman into the next Terri Schiavo. Fortunately, it looks like that may not be necessary.

Friday, September 08, 2006

Quip of the Night

I was sitting in the living room with my mom and her friend when I came across a version of this story in the local publication that passes for a newspaper. The following exchange then occurred:

Me: Do you remember hearing about that woman in St. Charles County that beat the other woman with the dead chihuahua? She was found guilty today.
Mom: Found guilty of what?
Mom's Friend: Assault with a dead weapon.

Much laughter ensued. Yes, that probably means that we're all just a little bit sick, but she didn't miss a beat. It was a perfectly executed one-liner, and really, isn't that what friends are for?