Don't call me Ms.

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

AI: 1 down, 10 to go

Tonight the 11 remaining finalists will be singing songs from the 1950's. I was obsessed with '50s music when I was younger. I even had a sock hop themed 11th birthday party. Wow, that's kind of a coincidence - 11th birthday, 11 finalists. Ok, so maybe we don't need to cue the Twilight Zone theme music. Enough Ryan Seacrest...on with the show!

A Very Special Musical Guest?! There's a shocker. This week's VSMG is Barry Manilow. I'm no Fanilow, but I do have The Greatest Songs of the Fifties on my Amazon Wishlist, right next to Rod Stewart's Great American Songbook. He's right, there were some great lyrics in the '50s...I mean, who can forget "Chantilly Lace and a pretty face, and a ponytail, hangin' down?" What poetry.

Wow, maybe someone is actually going to sing now, only 10 minutes into the show.

Mandisa - "I Don't Hurt Anymore"
This was good, as we've come to expect from Mandisa. Good song choice, it totally suited her. Loved the hair and makeup too, very classy. Go "Mandiva" - um, er, yeah, nice sign guys.

Bucky - "Oh Boy!"
Buddy Holly with a twang. Except, not. Buddy Holly had great energy, and Bucky is just flat tonight. And don't get me started on that last note (or the white trash porn star moustache). Boo.

Paris - "Fever"
I'm a little nervous that she's singing too old for her again, but we'll see...after more fluff with the VSMG. Well, for once she doesn't look like she's playing dress-up; she looks hot. I just bought a dress that looks a lot like that, but in black, and now I'm afraid to be seen in it. That was a great song choice and she totally owned it. I won't say anything bad about her at all this week.

Chris - "I Walk the Line"
I love Johnny Cash, and did even before Walk the Line came out, so this better be good. Even the VSMG thinks Chris is the one to beat. Once again, Chris took a song and made it his own. This is awesome.

Katharine - "Come Rain or Come Shine"
One of my (and my sister's) favorite movies, The Other Sister, features this song, so I'm excited. Wow, this is really good - she's totally pulling off the playful-sexy thing. I'm a little jealous. She's no Ella, but as Randy said, she worked it out. Whoa, even Simon is complimenting her.

Taylor - "Not Fade Away"
I was wondering what song required that suit. Taylor still needs some help in the choreography department, though this is definitely an improvement. Good overall - not the best of the night, but far from the worst. I guess I look for something more special from him. I still love him and think he's wonderful.

Lisa - "Why Do Fools Fall In Love"
This could have been so great, but it was so bad. Ok, not as bad as Bucky, but really bad for Lisa. It's just not connecting for me. The whole thing feels very Jr. High Variety Show. And I don't get the outfit either. Whoa - Simon just called it "High School Musical," I was on to something.

Kevin - "When I Fall In Love"
Yes, good choice for a 16-year-old to sing. If only it were ANY 16-year-old other than him. As someone who is no longer 16, I have a love-hate relationship with this song - I want to believe it and feel that way, but it's a little late. My friend that I AIM with during Idol made a very astute comment - his voice is always the same. Another week of wondering why he's still here.

Elliott - "Teach Me Tonight"
He's got a decent voice, but this was dull. He's just not it.

Kellie - "Walkin' After Midnight"
Rod Stewart has never heard of this song?! This is such a classic Patsy Cline song AND Garth Brooks did a cover of it in the '90s. Kellie sounds the same every week, but it's obvious this week. Even after the VSMG's guidance, she just doesn't sound lovelorn. I totally disagree with the judges tonight, she didn't get the song right.

Ace - "In The Still of The Night"
His voice is starting to sound whiny to me. And he's either 1)using to much product or 2) not shampooing frequently enough. This was better than last week, but still not good enough to make it all the way. And have I mentioned, I hate his falsetto?

Who's Out?
My Pick: Bucky (I'm giving Kevin a week off. I know that I'm no match for "Vote for the Worst.")
My Prediction: Bucky


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