Don't call me Ms.

Friday, March 10, 2006

Immigration Rally

There is a major march in downtown Chicago today protesting the recent immigration bill passed by the US House. Since when did illegal aliens become undocumented? Someone needs to explain to the newscasters (I'm watching local Fox noon news) that this bill does not "criminalize" undocumented immigrants. THEY ARE ALREADY BREAKING THE LAW! Their behavior is already illegal, it's just that we've finally decided to get serious and do something about it.

Now, before anyone accuses me of being some sort of jingoistic racist, I'm not. There are hundreds of thousands of immigrants who contribute to our nation daily. Members of my family were coming as recently as my great-grandparents, who met on a boat from Poland. I get my shoes repaired by the Greek gentleman who has a small shop downstairs in my apartment building. The salon I go to is owned by a Croatian family. Who doesn't like being able to get authentic Thai food? However, I don't appreciate my tax dollars paying for healthcare, education, and other 'welfare' programs for people who like this country, just not enough to follow its laws. I don't like the fact that drug dealers, rapists, and murderers are sneaking in alongside the "harmless" farm workers.

I am well aware that immigration laws in the past have been used to further racist agendas. However, they have also been public safety and homeland security measures. Requiring people who enter our country to present identification and have permission to stay is a far cry from Japanese internment camps and anti-Italian or anti-Chinese quotas. Is it really wrong to be a little suspect of people who are willing to break our laws just to come here? If they are willing to break that law, why should we expect them to have any more respect for our other laws?

And to answer the easiest criticism, yes, it is an accident of birth that I am a citizen of the United States. Yes, there are a lot of criminals that are already here. No, we can't kick out citizens that we think might be criminals. But that doesn't mean we shouldn't try to prevent the crimes that we can. Just because we have some criminals here doesn't mean we have to let more come.


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