Don't call me Ms.

Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Moving, part 1

I'm moving on the first of September...well, over the next few days anyway. So I've been doing the whole packing and cleaning thing. I have come across so much crap that has made me wonder...why on earth was I saving that to begin with? So many garbage bags, so much junk. People should move more often - too bad it's such a pain.

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Rant of the day

Who decided it was chic for pregnant women to wear clothing that shows their bellies? Now, I'll grant I'm probably a bit of a prude; I'm not all that fond of any women wearing midrif-bearing clothes. I don't care how toned and "sexy" your stomach is, I don't really want to see it. And there are way too many people without six-packs running around in shirts that are too small. But there is something particularly disturbing about this trend among pregnant women. Don't give me that miracle-of-life, wonder-of-childbirth crap either. There is nothing wonderful or miraculous about stretch marks and herniated navels - keep them to yourself!

I blame Friends and Jennifer Aniston's tiny tank-tops...she was responsible for that horrendous shag haircut in the mid-Nineties too.

Monday, August 22, 2005

288 Cans of Diet Coke

I don't drink coffee, I drink Diet Coke. If you think it's odd to have Cheerios and a can of Diet Coke for breakfast, just think about it for a second. Is that really any more disgusting than drinking 3 cups of coffee before you leave for work in the morning? At least it doesn't give you that disgusting bad breath.

Anyway, whatever you legal stimulant of choice may be...How much of it would kill you? Check out Death by Caffeine to find out.

Monday, August 15, 2005

Ancient Chinese Wisdom

I got the best fortune in my fortune cookie from Wok-n-Roll last night.

"Your present plans are going to succeed."

That's right plans - plural. I take that to mean that my plans for both a job and a man are going to succeed. I'm sure I have some other sub-conscious plans that will be triumphant as well. The fortune cookie said so.

This fortune takes the top spot away from another favorite from college: "There is romance and mystery in your future." Sure, it sounded good at the time, but the only mystery has turned out to be just how far in the future this romance is waiting.

There was another particularly good one from earlier this year that I acquired by gift. My sister sent it to me with this note:
The Chinese got confused...this fortune is definitely supposed to be yours...not at all mine! *heart*

The fortune? "You would make a good lawyer."

Friday, August 12, 2005

Movies! Movies! Movies!

I know I promised more frequent posting before, but I really mean it this time. And here are the first of the reviews I promised. But first, I must explain. I'm not a film or literary critic. I only lasted three weeks before withdrawing from Film Analysis in undergrad. However, I like movies and television and reading, and I think my superficial analysis could be helpful the next time you're in Borders or obsessively re-ordering your Netflix queue. Come on, I know I'm not the only one that adds, deletes, and rearranges the DVDs on that magical list on a near-daily basis. Disclaimer we go...

Kind Hearts and Coronets
This classic features Alec Guinness in the role(s) of the eight members of the D'Ascoyne family that stand between Louis Manzzini and the Dukedom. It was delightful. The understated humor was quite refreshing. It was a cute little story and very well done. And there was something kind if neat about watching an "archive print" of it.

The Natural
I really don't think I need to say much about this movie. If you like baseball, you will love it. Even if you don't like baseball, you'll still like it...Robert Redford, Glenn Close, Robert Duvall, what more is there? This movie deserves its legendary status.

Wedding Crashers
Brash, bawdy bad boys...mmmmmmm. This was completely disgusting, and I shudder to think there are men who actually behave this way. (I know, there are some worse.) However, it makes for a ridiculously hilarious summer movie. And look for Will Ferrell toward the end in a great little part - funniest man alive.

Secondhand Lions
This is a cute little story featuring two excellent actors - Robert Duvall and Michael Caine. They play a couple of quirky old coots with a great story. It's a traditional coming-of-age tale in some ways, but not too trite, like so many are. The whole family could watch this movie.

Hotel Rwanda
This is a very powerful movie and Don Cheadle gives an excellent performance. Only watch this if you're in the right mood; it's not a Friday night date movie. That being said, more people need to be aware of what happened (and is still happening) in Africa. I'm generally inclined to think the US should not be the world's policeman, but there are some things that are just so atrocious that we cannot in good conscience allow them to happen. This is an excellent, compelling movie - just be aware of what you're getting into.

OK, I think that's enough for now. I'm always happy to offer suggestions. Check back soon for another installment - either deliciously awful summer television or the books I've read since not having to read any more casebooks.

Sunday, August 07, 2005

St. Louis

I've just returned from a weekend with (part of) the fam in St. Louis, where I got to visit my new nephew. Of course, that involved spending a lot of time playing Glam Girls and "house" with my nieces as well. I know how lousy it can be when a new brother or sister comes home, even if you are excited and love them. So here are my random thoughts from the trip...

On the way down I missed my bypass exit and ended up heading straight for downtown rather than the 'burbs. Fortunately, I have a pretty good sense of direction and recognized some landmarks from a visit last summer and got myself headed in the right direction. But since I was downtown, I got to see the work that's been done so far on the new Busch Stadium. It looks like it's going to be one of those neo-retro ballparks. I like those. I'm trying to figure out what I should bet my brother when we end up with a White Sox/Cardinals World Series. My other dilemma is who to root for - I'm more of a NL-girl, but then there's the "hometown" factor. Oh well, I've got a lot of time to ponder something that will probably never come to pass.

My nephew (10 days old) was adorable...I want one. Of course, it would be helpful to have a few other things first, like a job and a husband (and before that, a boyfriend of course).

My younger niece and I had some quality time on Saturday - we went to see Sky High. It was good for what it was. I'm sure if you were about 8, it would have been fabulous. I plan to begin a series of movie and book reviews on this blog, but I won't start with this one. Check back soon for my comments on movies (Second Hand Lions, Million Dollar Baby, Wedding Crashers), books (Freakonomics and The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe), and maybe even television (Brat Camp, Six Feet Under, and Minding the Store).

Saturday night was fun - my brother and I watched awful local-broadcast shows. First up was Lucky Break - a karaoke contest filmed at one of the local riverboat casinos. Most of the performers were awful but amusing. It raised the age-old questions, "does he really think he's a good singer" and "why would her friends let her do that?" After that we watched St. Louis Country - basically a combination of country music videos and footage of people line-dancing at a country bar in Southern Illinois. It was a riot, a great combination of cute old couples in matching stars-and-stripes vests and fat drunk guys and 19-year-old girls that aren't old enough to get into real bars but still want to get hit on by sketchy 30-year-old men.

However, the highlight of the trip was my Wal-Mart visit. I love Wal-Mart (and Target, but I'll save that for another time). I returned to Chicago with two small window-unit air conditioners - on clearance! They meet the specs in the lease for my new apartment and don't throw the breaker every 15 minutes in my current apartment. So I'm all set now for the next heat wave.

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

What now?

I took the bar exam last week. It's quite a relief to be done, but now what? Yes, I need to find a job and then start working, that's what adults do in the real world. But until then, I feel like a giant bum just sitting around the apartment all day. I've recommitted myself to the gym - two days in a row now. I've also done some sewing and am really getting into my new hobby. But that fills up about 1/6 of a day.

So what does one do if she doesn't have a job or school? It's not like I have a family or home to care for. I don't think I could handle the life of the idle rich - it's probably a good thing I'll never have to be in that position.